Art Director: What I Do...


I started 24 years ago in film production. Since that time, I have worked on some of the largest commercials in the nation as the Production Designer or Art Director.  Being an Atlanta Art Director for film and TV is one of the most interesting jobs in the world.  Clients I’ve worked for include EA Sports with Tiger Woods to Music Videos with P Diddy and 50 cent  to Major Motion Pictures including “Last of Mohicans” with Daniel Day Lewis and "Into the Blue" with Jessica Alba.  

As an Atlanta Art Director, I find myself everyday in a new place with new challenges. I owe a lot to my team and the efforts of the construction folks. If I had a favorite production would be the recent HLA London Sony “Foam City” spots (can be seen on you tube). Shot in Miami in 2008, we blocked off 6 inner city streets and flooded them with foam 10 feet or higher. It's  probably something I’ll never get to do again on such a grand scale. But truly fabulous.  I feel like I can do almost anything that doesn’t include space flight and that is what makes the job so interesting. I can quote Building // Set  Construction, Special effects, Decorating, Propmaster, Armorer, Scenic work, Art Direction or Production Designing in minutes after seeing all the parameters of the project.